Thursday, May 19, 2011

new nieghbors, new kids

we were so worried about sid and sophie meeting kids, reactions... now they all cry @ supper time when its time to go...thank you God for good neighbors.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

SIds first shot at organized soccer is tomorrow, so we went out and played on his future fields to give it a shot. He loves it !

Thursday, September 23, 2010

These kids are awesome !

We don't update much, cause we're always chasing them ... recent pictures:

Yes, Sophie has a booboo, and she's very sensitive about it. Just seeing this short clip of her playing on my lap she starts fussing about 'that bobo' in the video. LOL

Sid couldn't care less. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hi there J.E. !

September will be here so fast, congratulations :)

And a boy ? Sweeet.

I've kept your comment private, but only to hide your email address. Hope my email didn't overload you, and I hope you're finding GOOD information out there. You have our contact info, use it when you need it.

- Kyle

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So proud

some days we're just so proud. this is one of them. sid is potty trained, dances, sings, raps (yes raps), and loves red trucks. life is good. :-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sometimes we get it right, and find something that works. Sid needed a little confidence boost, transitioning to Sunday school, so we put his favorite train in his pocket. He was told to think about what thomas would do if he got upset or confused, and remember we were close by, not to cry....

He was so proud and exclamed "I didn't cry daddy !"

I'm so proud of him. He's so awesome. Love you Sid. ... ... .......

Friday, October 2, 2009

mri and a day @ the birmingham zoo

The mri went fine, and anesthesia wore off within an hour. Sid got an early discharge thanks to destroying 1.3 hospital rooms with all his kickin and screamin afterwards.

The zoo was awesome ! See our picasa page for the train ride loop on google maps.